To integrate data from HTTP/REST servers exposed to the internet, you can establish a connection with a REST API. To start, navigate to Protocol Connectors in the functions panel and unfold HTTP/REST.

To integrate a server from a local network, you need to deploy an HTTP/REST edge connector first. Afterward, you can use the same functions described in this article.

REST API instance

If a REST API is to be integrated and your app needs to repeatedly access this API using different types of requests or resources, it is recommended to create an instance for this connection to avoid re-entering the URL every time.

Create a REST API connection

With the create function, you can add a fixed REST API connection instance and use all the RESTful server request functions below. Do so by using and configuring the create function. Remember to name your instance in the yellow naming box.

The connection instance will appear in the functions panel. After that, you can use the functions from inside the instance from under Protocol Connectors -> HTTP/REST -> {instance name} by dragging them onto the board.

Delete a REST API connection

To remove a REST API connection, use the delete function by inserting the name of the instance into the yellow box and triggering the function.

RESTful server requests

The HTTP/REST protocol functions are used to connect to an existing HTTP server with RESTful requests. All these functions are also available within a connection instance, specifically created for a connected REST API.

Do a GET request

With the get function, you can do a simple HTTP GET request to a server. Parameters can either be added at the end of the URL in the first input box or as an object in the second input box. The output is a JSON object with the HTTP header information removed.

Do a DELETE request

Using the delete function, you can remove a resource from a server. Enter the URL of the resource you wish to delete in the input box and execute the function. DELETE requests typically don't include parameters. The output is the HTTP response in full, including header information.

Do a HEAD request

With the head function, you can do a HEAD request to a server, e.g. to get the content length of a GET request, without actually getting the content. Follow the same syntax as in the GET example.

Do an OPTIONS request

With the options function, you can request which HTTP requests you are allowed to do on a specific resource. The allowed requests are listed under headers -> allow in the output.

Do a POST request

With the post function, you can invoke a POST request for updating an existing resource on a server or adding a subsidiary resource to an existing one. POST is not defined as idempotent, meaning that the same request sent multiple times may have different results.

  • Insert the URL, including the server path, into the first input box.

  • Drag your data into the second input box.

You can also drag and drop files from the file manager on the bottom left into the second input field.

Do a PUT request

With the put function, you can invoke a PUT request for replacing an existing resource on a server or adding a new resource at a new path. PUT is defined as idempotent, meaning that the same request sent multiple times should have the same result, provided the server has implemented PUT correctly.

Do a PATCH request

The patch function creates a PATCH request, with which you can modify a resource on a server. PATCH requests are often omitted in the implementation of the server. You may check if it is supported with the options function.

Last updated