Manage integrations

Integrations represent incoming connections from clients of different types. An integration always consists of a username and a password (credentials), which are required for the connection with your Heisenware account. Only connections with known and valid credentials will be granted access to your Heisenware account.

To monitor, create, and manage integrations, log in to your Heisenware account and go to the Integrations panel in the left sidebar. In this panel, you can view and manage usernames, passwords, types, online statuses, and last login details. Additionally, you can create and delete integrations, as well as toggle their activation.

Establish incoming connections

There are two ways to add integrations to Heisenware:

  • Manual creation of credentials: In this method, you first generate credentials within the Integrations panel and then provide them to the client you wish to connect to your Heisenware account.

  • Smart client onboarding: With smart onboarding, the client initiates a connection request to your Heisenware account. Once you approve the connection, the clients credentials are automatically added to the integrations list.

Adding integrations manually

Manually creating integrations is useful when you need to connect a client to your Heisenware account that you want to pre-configure with credentials.

To authorize an incoming connection manually:

  1. Click Add Integration in the upper right corner in the Integrations panel.

  2. Select the type of integration you'd like to add: MQTT, OPC UA, HTTP or VRPC.

  1. Optionally change the randomly generated username and password, click into the respective field and modify it.

  1. Add the credentials (username and password) to the respective client you want to integrate with your Heisenware account.

Smart client onboarding

Another way to grant clients access to your Heisenware account is through smart onboarding. Smart onboarding lets you integrate clients without manually exchanging credentials.

Currently, this feature is available in the App Builder, but it will soon be relocated to the Integrations panel.

To onboard a client using smart onboarding:

  1. Initiate a connection request with your client.

  2. Open the App Builder.

  3. Click on the client you like to onboard. Please make sure to only onboard clients you trust.

  4. Click on the onboarding icon again to stop the smart onboarding.

If there is no client appearing when the onboarding is activated, please make sure that the request is correctly initiated by your client.

Integration types

Heisenware supports incoming connections from Edge Connectors, MQTT, HTTP, OPC UA and VRPC.

Edge Connector

The Edge Connector is a proprietary Heisenware technology designed to seamlessly integrate files, protocols, databases and other systems within private networks with the cloud. While creating the Edge Connector, the integration entry is automatically made for you. Please refer to the article on Edge Connectors for detailed instructions on crating and deploying them. Technically, an Edge Connector integrates via MQTT.


MQTT clients can connect to Heisenwares MQTT broker using either method: manual credential creation or automatic connection through smart onboarding.


HTTP clients can connect to Heisenwares REST API using either method: manual credential creation or automatic connection through smart onboarding.

The REST API is currently under development and expected to be available in Q2/2025.


OPC UA clients can connect to Heisenwares OPC UA server using either method: manual credential creation or automatic connection through smart onboarding.


VRPC is an innovative open source protocol made by Heisenware that allows integration of custom code and proprietary software libraries easily. VRPC clients can connect to Heisenware using either method: manual credential creation or automatic connection through smart onboarding. Please reach out to us, if you need help with integrating custom code and libraries.

Last updated