
Start here to understand the basics and concepts behind Heisenware.

As of June 2024, this documentation is a work in progress.

Some concepts may not be publicly available, and not all features are fully documented. Pages marked with "WIP" are still under development. We highly recommend using the AI-supported search function located at the upper left. Additionally, feel free to submit feedback via the feedback from.


Heisenware is a digitalization platform and low-code tool designed for building modern, responsive apps tailored for industrial settings. This documentation encompasses everything from setup to usage and development. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly, or join the Heisenware community on Discord to engage in discussions with other users.

Platform components

Heisenware serves as a versatile tool for companies to create custom, integrated Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) effortlessly. It facilitates the development, hosting, and lifecycle management of these PWAs, acting as a digital companion throughout an organization's digitalization journey.

A Heisenware account consists of two main components, the App Builder and the App Manager:

Concepts and glossary

To work effectively with Heisenware, it's beneficial to familiarize yourself with basic concepts and terms.



A stand-alone software application that can include data integration, backend, and frontend components. Being PWAs, apps built with Heisenware combine the best of web and native mobile applications.

The part of an app that contains integrations, data storage, data manipulation, and data processing. Heisenware-built apps typically contain a backend.


Establishes a connection to an external system for data exchange. Connectors can be deployed in private networks, known as edge connectors.

The process of making an initial or updated app version available to users.


Heisenware apps are event-driven, responding to events or user actions such as input, system notifications, or external triggers.

The part of an app providing a user interface (UI) for users to interact with the backend. Heisenware-built apps typically contain a frontend.

A piece of functionality in the backend of an app to perform a specific action, a key element in Heisenware app development.

Object / instance

Similar to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Heisenware uses the concept of objects or instances, representing specific entities contextualizing the functions they can perform.

Widgets have one or more data properties and can have additional behavioral properties. Properties can be read and set from the backend. Data properties transfer data between backend and frontend, while behavioral properties temporarily change widget appearance.

A frontend element in the UI of an app, ranging from input widgets for user interaction to display widgets for information presentation. Widgets can be linked with functions for data transfer and behavior manipulation.

About Heisenware

Heisenware empowers you to build connected apps featuring robust backend logic and sleek user interfaces for any device, all with minimal or no coding skills required. Here's why Heisenware stands out:

  • Without Limits: Seamlessly connect to APIs, utilize protocols, or remotely call code to integrate data.

  • Developer Friendly: No coding skills required, but follows best practices of software development.

  • Managed: Enjoy secure and GDPR-compliant hosting, allowing you to focus on building.

Last updated