
Inputs, also known as input arguments, are the parameters that a function uses to execute its action. The default format for input is YAML, providing a straightforward structure for defining input parameters. If necessary, this format can be switched to HTML.

Depending on the function, input can be:

  • Data (string, number, integer, boolean, array, object)

  • Files

  • Images

  • Filters

  • Options

  • Functions (for callbacks only)

Input sources

Sources for input arguments are varied:

  • Static input: Input arguments can be filled statically in the application logic.

  • Dynamic input: They can be filled dynamically with output of another function by linking the output to the input.

  • User input in user interface: Alternatively, input arguments can be dynamically filled by capturing user input by linking the input widget to the input.

To include special characters in requests, specify the document input as text by either:

  1. Adding >- at the start of the document field and moving the input to the next line with two spaces in front.

  2. Placing a ' at both the beginning and end of your input, which will automatically convert to the first method.



Input boxes provide a context menu accessible through right-click. In this context menu, you can:

  • Switch between YAML and HTML input formats.

  • Set the input as secret, which is useful for passwords.

  • Clear the content of the input box.

  • Delete the input box.


In classical programming, a callback is designed to execute code in response to an event. In Heisenware, callbacks can be employed whenever the integration protocol with an external system or the code integrated through the code adapter supports them.

A function that supports callbacks listens for certain events defined in the function. These functions feature a special, dashed input box that contains an output box. Within this box, you can observe the return value (output) of the function executed in response to an event, to which the original function is subscribed. From there, you can work with the data as with any other output.

Names of functions supporting callbacks often begin with on.

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