Simulating events

This module is designed to simulate various events to test and validate workflows. By generating events, you can ensure that your workflow handles different scenarios and edge cases effectively, providing a robust and reliable system. It is also helpful as a placeholder in your workflow, if you haven't completed your app yet.

The different available functions offer ways to respond to specific events. To learn more about event handlers, see Callbacks.

To access the events simulator, unfold Simulation > Events in the functionality panel.

Instance management

Create an instance

Simply drag the create function onto the board, insert a unique name for your instance and trigger the function.

Delete an instance

Simply drag the delete function onto the board and insert the name of the instance you want to delete.

Instance functions

Reacting to a manually triggered event

The onManualTrigger function catches a manual trigger of the triggerManually function in the same instance and outputs the payload, which is a UNIX timestamp in this case. To try this, simply drag both functions onto the logic board and trigger the triggerManually function to generate the necessary event.

Reacting to an automatically triggered event

The onAutoTrigger reacts to the automatic trigger set up by startAutoTrigger and displays the UNIX timestamp payload. You can set an interval after which the event should repeat in milliseconds in the interval input box. You might need to trigger onAutoTrigger once for it to start reacting to the automatically generated events after triggering startAutoTrigger.

You can stop the automatic trigger with the stopAutoTrigger function.

Reacting with a callback to output of same function

The triggerCallback function reacts to an event triggered by itself. After triggering the function, there will be a delay, as set by the timeout input box in milliseconds. It will NOT react to the output of the callback to avoid an infinite loop.

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