Status lamp

The Status Lamp widget is an indicator that changes color based on a value passed from a function.


The Status Lamp has two settings tabs: Shape Settings and Data Settings. The Data Settings contain the fundamental feature of the Status Lamp: Mappings.


The Status Lamp maps colors to input values. All colors and conditions can be set and modified in the Data Settings tab, where each color is mapped to a value passed by a connected function output. If the value passed is not listed, the status lamp turns grey.

String, bool and all numerical data types are acceptable inputs, but each value needs to be manually assigned to a color.

The Status Lamp only accepts single values in the Value field. To associate ranges of numbers to a mapping, you will first need to create the groupings.

This can be done using Filters.

Hover text

You can turn on hover text in the Shape Settings (tab with the gear icon ⚙️ ) and checking the "Hover Text" box. If the setting is active, you can check the message by going in Test Mode and hovering over the status lamp. The default hover text displays the current value of the function.

You can change the displayed message in the Mappings tab, in the field Custom Message.

Monitoring the status of a function

The status lamp can also be used to monitor the status of a function in the logic board.

This is particularly useful when handling many integrations and data connections, to have an easy way to monitor whether these are active.

To link a function status to the status lamp, simply drag the status indicator to the left of the function onto the widget.

Last updated