edge-connector (WIP)

The edge-connector can be used to integrate data, be it pre-existing or real-time, from private networks. When deployed, it can establish a connection with an organization's workspace to provide data to or receive data from the workspace.


The edge connector can be run on the following devices:

  • 64-bit hardware with

    • MacOS

    • Windows

    • Linux

      • There is a separate Alpine version

  • ARM64 on Industrial PC

Download and Deployment

  1. Select the connectors you would like to include.

  2. Select the target OS.

  3. Click on submit.

  4. Wait for the connector to be created and save it to the location on your device from which it shall be run.

  5. Open a terminal and run the file.

  6. The edge connector should automatically appear in the functions panel.

  7. Expand it and drag any functions you want to use onto the board.

Selecting more connectors increases the file size and extends the creation time.

Available Connectors


The OS connector in the edge-connector offers the same functionality as the Operating system connector. Instead of displaying information about the backend server of the application, it can be used to display statistics about a server in your network that needs to be monitored for performance or uptime.


With the Influx connector, you can add a connection to an Influx database from your own machine. For available functions, see the Influx connector article.


The http component offers the same functions as the HTTP/REST connector. It can be used for connecting to an http server inside the same (closed) network as the device with the edge-connector on it.


The file component is used to read and write files on the device the edge-connector is running on. This might be useful e.g. for when employees add a certain type of report to a network share repeatedly and it needs to be ingested into your app. Refer to the Files data connector for a list of functions.

Siemens S7

The Siemens S7 component offers the same functions as the Siemens S7 protocol connector. It can be used to communicate with a compatible device inside a closed network by placing the edge-connector on a device inside the same network.

OPC UA Client

The OPC UA component offers the same functions as the OPC UA protocol connector. It can be used to communicate with a compatible device inside a closed network by placing the edge-connector on a device inside the same network.

MQTT Client

The MQTT component offers the same functions as the MQTT protocol connector. It can be used to communicate with a compatible device inside a closed network by placing the edge-connector on a device inside the same network.

Serial Port 👷

With the Serial port component, you can read a bitstream from a serial port. Multiple parameters are available to correctly read the data and explained below.


Last updated