🚧Sparkline (WIP)

A sparkline is a minimalist chart designed to show trends or patterns in data at a glance.

In Heisenware, the Sparkline widget includes 7 different chart types.


The Sparkline widget has 3 settings tabs: Widget Settings, Tooltip and Styling.

Widget Settings

The fields displayed in the chart can be changed in the Widget Settings tab.

The Argument Key is the X-axis of the sparkline, and the Value Key is the Y-axis.

In this tab there are also options to set a maximum and minimum value to display, and to ignore empty data points.


All the visual customization options are in the Styling tab.


The options include selecting one of the following chart types:

  • Area

  • Bar

  • Line

  • Spline

  • Spline Area

  • Step Line

  • Line

  • Win-Loss Bar

Color settings

  • Apply customized colors:

  • Color in first and last entry:

  • Color in min and max entry:

  • Point Color:


Note: Custom colors are not visible in Build Mode.

Last updated