
The output of a function reflects its return value, typically generated after the function's action has been completed. Depending on the nature of the function, the output can take various forms:

  • Data (string, number, integer, boolean, array, object)

  • Files

  • Images

Utilizing output

Function output data can be utilized in many ways. It can:

  • Become input for another function: Serve as an input argument for another function to build a flow.

  • Trigger functions: Initiate the execution of one or more functions.

  • Visualize data in widgets: Processed in display widgets for UI presentation.

  • Set widget behavior properties: Influence the behavior properties of a widget.

Furthermore, through function extensions, an output can automatically be:

  • Modified with custom code: Processed with custom code to generate modified data.

  • Filtered with code: Subjected to code filters to control flow interruption or continuation.

  • Recorded in InfluxDB: Automatically recorded in the InfluxDB for storage.

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