The map widget can display one or more locations as markers on a map.
The input for this widget is point coordinates in one of the following formats:
GeoJSON { "lat":53.537848306802545 "lng":10.06118713073924 }
Array [53.55043120000001, 9.992333499999999]
String "53.55043120000001, 9.992333499999999"
For multiple locations: Array of strings
[0: 53.5 9.9, 1:53.5, 9.9]
Note that the input will not be accepted if it contains anything other than a latitude and a longitude (eg. names, addresses etc.)
The marker icon, color and size, as well as the map centering, default zoom and information layers, can be edited in the settings tab on the top right bar.
When displaying multiple locations, if the setting "Center on markers" is active, the map will be centered on the midpoint between all the locations with the preset default zoom. Some markers may not be visible as a result of this. Changing the default zoom to an appropriate scale can get around the issue.
Last updated